

На прошлой неделе мы “развлекались” приключенческими романами. Опять же, на вкус и цвет - но, надеюсь, кому-то предложенные мною книги зашли, кто-то уже взялся за них или даже успел прочесть. А мы тем временем двигаемся дальше - перед вами новая подборка того, что можно почитать начинающим, продолжающим и достигшим))

На этот раз поговорим о биографиях!

Ведь, по сути, личность человека - одно из самого интересного, что есть на свете. Именно соприкосновение с чьей-то личностью, необычной, сильной и яркой, может впечатлить и навсегда изменить нас.



Rosemary Border - The Piano


Краткое описание книги:

This is an exciting story about a boy that discovers and develops a musical talent. Tony Evans was from a poor family. The boy was good-for-nothing; he hadn’t got any special skills, talents or abilities. But once he found a piano. Or it’s better to say that the piano found him?

Это - захватывающая история о мальчике, который открывает в себе и развивает талант музыканта. Казалось, из этого мальчишки не выйдет ничего путного; все думали, что у него не было никаких способностей, талантов или умений. И вот однажды он нашел пианино. Или, на самом деле, это пианино нашло его?)

Выдержка из текста - элегантный стиль, простые, но не примитивные слова… Попробуйте этот язык на вкус сами:

SIR ANTHONY EVANS PLAYS LISZT. The words above the door of the theatre were a metre high. On the wall there was a big picture of Sir Anthony at the piano. Hundreds of people were waiting outside the ticket office. It was Sir Anthony's eightieth birthday concert and everybody wanted a ticket. I had a special ticket, because I was a newspaper reporter. I wanted to talk to the famous pianist before his concert. I showed my ticket to the doorman and went into the theatre. Then I walked upstairs to the dressing-rooms.

On my way upstairs I thought about the famous pianist. I was a little afraid. My mouth was dry and my hands were shaking.

I arrived outside the dressing-room.

There was a big gold star on the door.

I knocked, and a tall man opened it. He was very old, but his eyes were blue and bright. He was wearing black trousers and a beautiful white shirt. He had a lot of straight, silvery hair. He looked just like his picture on the wall of the theatre.

'My name's Sally Hill,' I began. 'I...'

The old man saw my notebook and smiled at me.


Anna Brassey - A Voyage in the Sunbeam


Анна "Энни" Брасси (1839-1887) - баронесса, английская путешественница и писательница. Ее бестселлер (тот самый, который мы предлагаем к чтению сегодня) «Путешествие в солнечном луче, наш дом на океане в течение одиннадцати месяцев» описывает путешествие вокруг света. Да, все-таки недалеко мы ушли от приключенческой темы прошлой недели))

Скачать книгу можно здесь https://vk.com/doc-55395457_415520998

А теперь - немного подробнее об этом романе:


Annie Brassey delights in the mild Tahitian and Hawaiian breezes, shivers in the Japanese cold, and swelters in the Arabian heat. She struggles to keep down her sailing through the Straits of Magellan, and boldly marches her children up to the caldera of an active Hawaiian volcano.

Анна Брасси наслаждается теплыми ветрами Таити и Гавайских островов, ежится от японских морозов, изнемогает от жары арабских просторов. Она проходит Магелланов Пролив, мужественно преодолевает все препятствия, и смело поднимается вместе со своими детьми к самому кратеру Гавайского вулкана.

Выдержка из книжки:

At noon on July 1st, 1876, we said good-bye to the friends who had come to Chatham to see us off, and began the first stage of our voyage by steaming down to Sheerness, saluting our old friend the 'Duncan,' Admiral Chads's flagship, and passing through a perfect fleet of craft of all kinds. There was a fresh contrary wind, and the Channel was as disagreeable as usual under the circumstances. Next afternoon we were off Hastings, where we had intended to stop and dine and meet some friends; but, unfortunately the weather was not sufficiently favourable for us to land; so we made a long tack out to sea, and, in the evening, found ourselves once more near the land, off Beachy Head. While becalmed off Brighton, we all—children included—availed ourselves of the opportunity to go overboard and have our first swim, which we thoroughly enjoyed. We had steam up before ten, and again proceeded on our course. It was very hot, and sitting under the awning turned out to be the pleasantest occupation. The contrast between the weather of the two following days was very great, and afforded a forcible illustration of the uncertainties, perhaps the fascinations, of yachting.


Marilyn Monroe - Fragments Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters


Short description of the book:

Jotted in notebooks, typed on paper, or written on hotel letterhead, these texts reveal a woman who loved deeply and strove to perfect her craft. They show a Marilyn Monroe unsparing in her analysis of her own life, but also playful, funny, and impossibly charming. The easy grace and deceptive lightness that made her performances indelible emerge on the page, as does the simmering tragedy that made her last appearances so affecting.

Наспех записанные в блокнот, напечатанные на листе бумаги или написанные от руки на бланке гостиницы - эти тексты раскрывают перед нами женщину, которая любила глубоко и искренне, и делала все возможное, чтобы совершенствоваться в своем искусстве. Эти записи показывают нам Мерилин, безжалостную в анализе собственной жизни - и в то же время игривую, смешную и невероятно очаровательную. Изящество и обманчивая легкость, благодаря которым ее выступления оказались вписаны в вечность - и трагедия, шумиха вокруг которой не утихает до сих пор, благодаря которой ее последние работы трогают до слёз.

Скачать книгу можно здесь: https://vk.com/doc-55395457_212462576

И - выдержка из самой книги:

Marilyn Monroe wrote poemlike texts or fragments on loose-leaf paper and in notebooks. She showed her work only to intimate friends, in particular to Norman Rosten, a college friend of Arthur Miller with whom she became very close. A Brooklyn-based novelist, he encouraged Marilyn to continue writing. In the book he wrote about her (Marilyn Among Friends), he concluded, “She had the instinct and reflexes of the poet, but she lacked the control.” It is likely that the poetic form, or more generally the fragment, allowed her to express short, lightning bursts of feeling—but who could hear that frail voice, the very opposite of the radiant star? Arthur Miller wrote strikingly: “To have survived, she would have had to be either more cynical or even further from reality than she was. Instead, she was a poet on a street corner trying to recite to a crowd pulling at her clothes.”

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Анна Мирошниченко,Марина Лаптева-Бекаева