В прошлый раз мы примерили колпак Санты на сорокоградусной жаре, обсудив традиции празднования НГ и Christmas в далекой и загадочной Австралии, и немного поговорили об обычаях США (вы же помните, что за farolitos можно увидеть на Рождество в Луизиане?))
Продолжим беседу - на этот раз кинув взор в сторону Great Britain.
И, как обычно и уже много раз до этого, рассказ о традициях пойдет на английском - с русскими комментариями, переводами слов и разъяснениями в скобочках.
Christmas Traditions in England
(материал взят с веб-сайта people.howstuffworks.com)

The day before Christmas (день накануне) is very busy (оживленный, занятой) for families in England. They wrap (заворачивают) presents, bake cookies (пекут печеньки), and hang stockings (вешают чулки) over the fireplace (“место огня” - камин). Then everyone gathers (собираются) around the tree as someone tells the favorite story, "A Christmas Carol." (“Рождественская песнь” Чарльза Диккенса)
After hearing (услышав) their favorite Christmas story, children write a letter (пишут письмецо) to Father Christmas with their wishes (пожелания). They toss (кидают) their letter into the fire (в огонь) so their wishes can go up the chimney (чтобы желания “ушли вверх” по дымоходу). After the children fall asleep (засыпают) on Christmas Eve (канун), Father Christmas comes to visit. He wears a long, red robe (наряд), carries a sack (мешок) of toys, and arrives on his sleigh pulled by reindeer (санки, который везет олень). He fills (наполняет) the children's stockings with candies and small toys - все как показывают в кино, правда?))
On Christmas Day, everyone sits down to the midday feast (“полуденный пир”) and finds a colorful (цветной, цветастый) cracker (хлопушка) beside (около) their dinner plate. A Christmas cracker is a paper-covered tube (трубка, покрытая бумагой). When the end tabs are pulled, there is a loud crack (громкий хлопОк). Out spills (“проливается”, высыпается) a paper hat to wear at dinner, small trinkets (безделушки, украшения), and a riddle (загадка) to read aloud (зачитать вслух) to everyone at the table.
The family enjoys a feast of turkey (пир, состоящий из индейки) with chestnut stuffing (с начинкой из лесного ореха), roast goose (жареный гусь) with currants (изюм), or roast beef (жареная говядина) and Yorkshire pudding. Brussels sprouts (брюссельская капуста) are likely (самый вероятный) to be the vegetables.

Yorkshire pudding
Best of all is the plum (сливовый) pudding topped with a sprig (побег, росток) of holly (остролист - традиционное рождественское растение). Brandy is poured over the plum pudding and set aflame. Then family members (члены семьи) enjoy a dramatic show (наслаждаются настоящей драмой) as it is carried (вносится в столовую) into the dining room. Whoever (тот, кто; дословно - “кто бы ни”) finds the silver charm (амулет, брелок) baked in their serving (порции) has good luck the following year (будет иметь удачу в течение следующего года). The wassail bowl (заздравная чаша), brimming with hot, spiced wine (горячее вино со специями - почти глинтвейн), tops off the day's feast (завершает пир). It is said that all quarrels (все ссоры) stop when people drink wassail.

After dinner, the family gathers (собираются) in the living room to listen to the Queen of England deliver a message (произносит речь, дословно - “доставляет сообщение”, хех) over radio and television. At teatime in the late afternoon (позднее время после обеда - около 5-ти часов вечера), the beautifully decorated (красиво декорированный) Christmas cake is served.
The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day (день подарков ,а не то, что вы подумали). This day has nothing to do with fighting (не имеет ничего общего с борьбой). Long ago, people filled (наполняли) church alms boxes (церковные коробки для пожертвований) with donations (пожертвованиями) for the poor (для бедных). Then on December 26, the boxes were distributed (раздавались, распределялись) Now people often use this day (используют этот день, чтобы…) to give small gifts of money (маленькие денежные подарки) to the mail carrier (почтальону), news vendor (продавцу газет), and others who have helped them during the year (в течение года).
Beginning on Boxing Day, families can enjoy stage performances (представления на сцене) called pantomimes. This activity originally meant (изначально означало) a play without words (без слов), or actors who mimed or entertained without speaking (развлекали, не говоря ничего). Pantomime now refers to (относится к) all kinds of plays (всем видам представлений, пьес) performed (которые даются) during the Christmas season. Such familiar (знакомые) children's stories as "Cinderella" (“Золушка”) and "Peter Pan" delight (приводят в восторг) young and old alike (в одинаковой степени). In some towns, masked and costumed (надевшие маски и костюмы) performers called mummers present plays or sing carols (рождественские песни - английский вариант колядок) in the streets.
То же самое - без подмоги, просто на английском (попробуйте свои силы - после “разъясненного” текста это будет не так и страшно):
The day before Christmas is very busy for families in England. They wrap presents, bake cookies, and hang stockings over the fireplace. Then everyone gathers around the tree as someone tells the favorite story, "A Christmas Carol."
After hearing their favorite Christmas story, children write a letter to Father Christmas with their wishes. They toss their letter into the fire so their wishes can go up the chimney. After the children fall asleep on Christmas Eve, Father Christmas comes to visit. He wears a long, red robe, carries a sack of toys, and arrives on his sleigh pulled by reindeer. He fills the children's stockings with candies and small toys.
On Christmas Day, everyone sits down to the midday feast and finds a colorful Christmas cracker beside their dinner plate. A Christmas cracker is a paper-covered tube. When the end tabs are pulled, there is a loud crack. Out spills a paper hat to wear at dinner, small trinkets, and a riddle to read aloud to everyone at the table.
The family enjoys a feast of turkey with chestnut stuffing, roast goose with currants, or roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Brussels sprouts are likely to be the vegetables. Best of all is the plum pudding topped with a sprig of holly. Brandy is poured over the plum pudding and set aflame. Then family members enjoy a dramatic show as it is carried into the dining room. Whoever finds the silver charm baked in their serving has good luck the following year. The wassail bowl, brimming with hot, spiced wine, tops off the day's feast. It is said that all quarrels stop when people drink wassail.
After dinner, the family gathers in the living room to listen to the Queen of England deliver a message over radio and television. At teatime in the late afternoon, the beautifully decorated Christmas cake is served.
The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day. This day has nothing to do with fighting. Long ago, people filled church alms boxes with donations for the poor. Then on December 26, the boxes were distributed. Now people often use this day to give small gifts of money to the mail carrier, news vendor, and others who have helped them during the year.
Beginning on Boxing Day, families can enjoy stage performances called pantomimes. This activity originally meant a play without words, or actors who mimed or entertained without speaking. Pantomime now refers to all kinds of plays performed during the Christmas season. Such familiar children's stories as "Cinderella" and "Peter Pan" delight young and old alike. In some towns, masked and costumed performers called mummers present plays or sing carols in the streets.
Вот так проходит Рождество и новый год в Великобритании. Ну как, было сложно во второй части? Запомнили ли вы полезные фразы и выражения, которые мы вам дали?
Кстати, учить новые слова к контексте гораздо легче, чем просто зазубривать из словарика «от сих до сих».