Друзья, мы категоричны в своём мнении: без чтения книг на английском невозможно выучить язык. Хотите вы того или нет, но всегда будут люди с уровнем языка хуже вашего, которые будут читать книги на английском. И эти люди в конечном итоге будут прогрессировать быстрее вас.
Не верите? Послушайте, как говорит и как формулирует мысли человек, прочитавший за свою жизнь больше 10 серьёзных художественных книг — вам всё станет понятно.
А перед тем, как рассказать вам о сегодня о 3-х книгах на английском языке, мы хотели бы напомнить вам кое о чём: «Как без словаря читать книги по-английски?»
Познакомились с тремя шагами? А теперь пора поговорить и о книгах!
Penguin’s readers - level 1:
Пропавшие монеты (The Missing Coins) by John Escott
Начнем издалека: Penguin’s readers - британское издательство, которое было основано в 1935 году. Примечательно и полезно нам тем, что представляет богатую серию адаптированных книг разных уровней (от первого, нулевого/Easystarters, до шестого, Advanced).
Сегодня мы предлагаем вам вам книжку первого уровня (то есть рассчитанную на студента, который владеет 300-ми базовыми английскими словами).

Краткое описание книги:
Original / British English Pete and Carla are students. One day they look at some very old coins and stamps in a shop. Pete wants to buy some stamps, but they are very expensive. Later that day some coins are missing from the shop and the shopkeeper wants to find Pete.
А вот и небольшой отрывок - ради “попробовать” и примерить левел:
“They find a little shop there. There are some old coins and stamps in the shop window. They come from many countries. ‘Let’s go in here,’ Carla says. ‘It’s an interesting little shop.’ ‘OK,’ Pete says. The shop is small. Pete and Carla go in, and an old man watches them. He is the shopkeeper. ‘Good afternoon,’ he says. ‘Good afternoon,’ Carla says. ‘Hi,’ Pete says. ‘What can I do for you?’ the shopkeeper says. ‘Can we look at the stamps?’ Pete asks. The shopkeeper looks at them. ‘OK,’ he says. ‘Do you collect stamps?’ ‘No, but I’m going to start collecting them,’ Pete says. ‘They’re interesting.’ ‘Yes, they are,’ the shopkeeper says.”
Penguin’s readers - level 4:
Meet Me in Istanbul by Richard Chisholm
Продолжим работу с Penguin’s readers - честно говоря, этого нам хватит не на одну неделю!
На этот раз возьмем левел 4 — тот самый Intermediate, 1700 basic words — и “отведаем” книжку Meet Me in Istanbul by Richard Chisholm

Краткое описание:
Written specially for students of English, this English Language Teaching (ELT/ESL) eBook is an intermediate-level Macmillan Reader adventure thriller set in Turkey. Tom Smith flies to Istanbul to join his fiancée for a holiday. But Angela fails to meet him that evening as arranged and she is not at her apartment either. The next morning Tom hears some terrible news: Angela was killed in a driving accident – a week ago.
An adventure thriller в красивейшем и атмосферном месте - вы все еще сомневаетесь, читать ли?
Выдержка из книги (just try it!):
“A bus for the City Air Terminal was waiting outside the airport. Tom got in and sat down beside the window. Other passengers got on and the bus left the airport and drove towards Istanbul.
Soon they were driving past the houses and apartment blocks near the city. Then they passed the old city walls. Tom felt excited, and looked at everything. He saw beautiful old mosques and street markets.
The bus was now approaching the centre of old Istanbul. It stopped at some traffic lights.
A car stopped beside the bus. The door opened and a woman got out. Two men were with her. Suddenly Tom jumped to his feet. It was Angela! 'Angela!' Tom shouted.
'Angela! Here! It's me, Tom!'
He knocked on the bus window. Suddenly the traffic lights changed and the bus moved forward. Tom ran to the back of the bus. Angela and the two men were going into a building.
'Angela!' he shouted. 'An ... 'He stopped. It was too late. The bus was moving quickly down a wide street. The passengers were looking at Tom and he suddenly felt foolish. He walked back to his seat and sat down.
What a surprise, he thought to himself. I must tell her when I see her this evening”.
The End and Other Beginnings: Stories from the Future by Veronica Roth
Счастливый момент, когда можно не искать адаптации, а “пить” сразу из источника.
Сегодня я хочу предложить вам сборник из шести историй об относительно недалеком будущем: The End and Other Beginnings: Stories from the Future by Veronica Roth

Краткое описание, as usually:
Bestselling Divergent and Carve the Mark author Veronica Roth delivers a stunning collection of novella-length stories set in the future, illustrated with startling black-and-white artwork.
No world is like the other. Within this masterful collection, each setting is more strange and wonderful than the last, brimming with new technologies and beings. And yet, for all the advances in these futuristic lands, the people still must confront deeply human problems.
In these six stories, Veronica Roth reaches into the unknown and draws forth something startlingly familiar and profoundly beautiful.
With tales of friendship and revenge, plus two new stories from the Carve the Mark universe, this collection has something for new and old fans alike. Each story begins with a hope for a better end, but always end with a better understanding of the beginning.
И - небольшая выдержка из первого рассказа:
“There must have been some kind of mistake,” I said.
My clock—one of the old digitals with the red block numbers—read 2:07 a.m. It was so dark outside I couldn’t see the front walk.
“What do you mean?” Mom said absently, as she pulled clothes from my closet. A pair of jeans, T-shirt, sweatshirt, socks, shoes. It was summer, and I had woken to sweat pooling on my stomach, so there was no reason for the sweatshirt, but I didn’t mention it to her. I felt like a fish in a tank, blinking slowly at the outsiders peering in.
“A mistake,” I said, again in that measured way. Normally I would have felt weird being around Mom in my underwear, but that was what I had been wearing when I fell asleep on top of my summer school homework earlier that night, and Mom seeing the belly button piercing I had given myself the year before was the least of my worries. “Matt hasn’t talked to me in months. There’s no way he asked for me. He must have been delirious.”